Tuesday 8 April 2008

Physics Explained : LGM Theory and Electricity

When you run a current through a wire you are effectively giving a push to the little green man at the back of the queue of little green men that run through the wire. He Shouts and then starts to run through the wire. The next LGM will run to avoid him and so forth.

Clearly the reason that a wire gets hot when you run a current through it is that the little green men are doing exercise and so getting hot. If you have a thinner wire they will be more likely to run into each other and fights may develop. Also if it gets very thin the crowding will make it much more work. As well as producing more heat this clearly makes it more difficult to get th LGMs down the wire. This is what we refer to as resistance. This leads us to an equation:


V is the voltage (the term for the force you need to get the LGMs going down the wire).
I is for the current or flow of man down the wire. It should be remembered that even though they refer to thuis as I it is the flow of the men, not the men themselves that is meant here.
R is the resistenece they put up to going down the wire at all.

So as you would expect the more resistance the more you need to push them to make them go. The greater the flow of men you are trying to get the more you need to push them too.

If you do not have a circuit the man at the front of the queue will have nowhere to go and so will not be able to move. This means the man behind him is stuck too and so on. In effect this means that is you have a break in the circuit you have a logjam and no one can move.

As the men move they sing, but you will only hear this if you are another LGM. This helps account for a whole lot of intereference effects that I may detail in a later post. Another bit I shall discuss is the blocks of flats people call capacitors and how coming out of a narrow wire can lead to enthusiasm and hence to over crowding and pushback providing oscilations. More details as and when...

It all makes sense really.

Rufus Evison

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